AccelByte Blog: Insights on Game Development & Backend

Creating/Applying Online Game Pricing Discounts in Dashboards

Written by AccelByte Inc | Nov 13, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Offering discounts is a classic way to boost sales and promote campaigns. The fact that discounts are frequently seen in the digital game market shows that this strategy works. If you’re considering this strategy for your game, our game storefront backend service has all the right features to control your game catalog and item pricing, including the ability to set regional and discount pricing.

In this guide, we’re going to walk you through how to configure item pricing and discounts with AccelByte, using our admin dashboard.

  • Log in to the Admin Portal using an admin account that has permission to adjust the prices of items for sale.
  • In the Admin Portal, go to the Store page by clicking the Store menu in the E-Commerce section on the left sidebar. Here you’ll see a complete list of all of your stores, both Published (stores that are live) and Draft (stores that are not live).
Admin Portal sidebar menu
  • Only Draft stores can be edited, to minimize the chance of errors occurring in your published store. If the item you want to discount is in your published store, you can clone your published store for editing purposes. When you have the Draft store you want to apply the discount in, click View in that store’s Action menu to open its contents.
Draft Stores list
  • Find the item to which you want to apply the discount, or create the item if it doesn’t exist in the store yet. To open the item, once again click View in the item’s Action menu.
Digital assets (items) list in the store
  • On the Item Details page that appears, scroll down to the Pricing section. Select the price you wish to apply the discount to and click View, or click the Create New button in the top-right corner of the Pricing section to create a new price for the item. The latter option can be used to create a region specific price.
Item Details page Item Details page: adding new pricing

For an existing price, scroll down to the Discount section of the Pricing page for the item. From there:

Pricing Details page Pricing Details page: adding a discount
  • Choose whether you want to discount the item’s price by Amount or by Percentage, and input the desired discount value, such as 10.00 (by Amount) or 30 (by Percentage). When you click the Checkmark button after inputting your discount value, the discounted price of the item will be automatically generated in the Discounted Price field.
  • Select the Discount Release Date and Discount Expiry Date to define the period of time for which the discount will be active. After the discount expires, the price of the item will be reverted to the base price automatically.

Or for a new price, fill out the Add Price form as follows:

Add Price form
  • Select the Region the price applies to.
  • Select the Namespace the currency is defined in. This should be your publisher namespace.
  • Select the desired Currency Code for the price.
  • Set the base Price for the item. This should not include the discount, which will be added further down.
  • Select the Available From and Expiry Date dates to define the time period during which the price will be used for the item, if desired. You can also leave these blank to ensure that this Price will always be used for the item.
  • Choose whether you want to discount the item’s price by Amount or by Percentage, and input the desired discount value, such as 10.00 or 50. The discounted price of the item will be automatically generated in the Discounted Price field.
  • Select the Discount Release Date and Discount Expiry Date to define the period of time for which the discount will be active. After the discount expires, the price of the item will be reverted to the base price automatically.

After applying the discount, publish the store. The new price will be visible in both Launcher and Player Portal, and anywhere else you sell your game.

Discount pricing displayed on the store page Discount pricing displayed on the game page

Make sure to notify your players of the discount, so they can take advantage of the great deal you’re offering! You can also use Contentful to publish the story in Player Portal and Launcher.

AccelByte makes it easy for you to adjust your pricing by region, and offer discounts to your players. If you’re in need of a commerce backend that gives you complete control over your product and how it’s sold, we’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach us at or on the social media platforms linked below.